The Minimum Wage: Does it Hurt the Economy

Joe Biden has pledged to raise America’s national minimum wage to $15 an hour. Economists traditionally believed that minimum wages actually hurt workers, but recent research has led to a rethink.


Public Debt: how much is too much?

The covid-19 pandemic is set to increase public debt to levels last seen after the second world war. But is rising public debt a cause for concern? New economic thinking suggests perhaps not, at least for now.


COVID-19 and the Economy

Governments will have to deal with the economic fallout from the pandemic for decades to come. If they get their response wrong, countries risk economic stagnation and political division. Read more here:


The World Energy system needs to be changed


Should we tax the rich more? | The Economist

Taxation is necessary in order to provide public services like roads, education and health care. But as the world’s elderly population grows, and the demand for public services increases, countries will need to reassess how they tax. Where should the money come from?


Welcome to the Digital Economy

Technology is an industry that moves fast and is unpredictable. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum intends to take full advantage of the internet and digital economy to bring about truly inclusive growth in the region.
Married with the right policies, digital technology can make broad-based growth, productivity, and innovation possible for businesses of all sizes and all sectors, and more importantly, raise the living standards of everyone.



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